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“For over 10 years, Cooper Mills have guided me to ensure my business is safe from imitators trading with my brand.”

Not only do Cooper Mills have the expertise in trademark law, they are extremely professional, responsive to our needs and explain legal jargon in plain English! I highly recommend the Cooper Mills team for businesses who seek a value added legal service above and beyond traditional advisors.”

Craig McDonald,
CEO and Founder MailGuard Pty Ltd



Legacy In Motion (LIM) is a Cooperative Economic community that takes great pride in helping individuals, families and communities develop knowledge for financial freedom.

LIM understands the lack of financial literacy a lot of families and communities face. Therefore, we believe one person at a time can break the generational misconception of financial wealth.

LIM knows education changes things! That being so, LIM’s free financial education programs teamed with our strong supporting communities, poise individuals to build a legacy that last a lifetime,


Start your online presence with us and focus on growing new business revenue.

Impress your customers with a beautiful online store. We take your brand, products and services and build a tailored ecommerce experience that captures the heart of your business.


Steps to take after an automobile accident ​

Immediately call 911 to ensure that paramedics come to the scene of the accident to provide care for those injured. It is also important that you medical attention after the automobile accident and tell a doctor about any injury or pain you may be experiencing. Understand that when you get into an automobile accident your body goes into “flight” mode. This means that your body produces adrenaline and override any pain. If there are no visible injuries, you may not feel pain immediately; however, often the pain from a automobile accident will occur some days afterwards. If that is the case, schedule a follow up appointment with the doctor to document any pain and obtain the proper treatment plan in order to help prove your claim. If you are unsure, contact a Kansas City automobile accident attorney to walk through the appropriate steps.

Generally, most insurance companies contractually require that you notify them if you get into an automobile accident.  You should at least reveal basic information regarding the accident.  Additionally, do not agree to a written or recorded until you have spoken with your lawyer.  Lastly, DO NOT admit fault.  Call a Kansas City automobile accident attorney to ensure that you do not do or say the wrong thing. 

Contact a lawyer as soon as possible.  The earlier you contact an attorney, the better.  An automobile accident attorney can guide you through the necessary precautions and steps that should be taken early on.  Most automobile accident cases are handled on a contingency basis so there will be cost to you for hiring a lawyer immediately after your automobile accident.  

Do not talk or share information about your case. Today social media serves as a primary means of communication for most of the world. Be careful not to discuss your automobile accident on social media or with any of your family or friends. Insurance companies are always looking for reasons to undermine your injuries and your personal injury claim.

Do not agree to settle with the insurance company. Immediately after your accident, the insurance company will likely contact you about the accident and try to get you to settle. Be very careful during these conversations as the insurance company will attempt to get you to make a statement and offer you a low ball settlement. Again, be careful! If the insurance company contacts you within hours or days after your accident and you have not completed all of your visits or medical treatment, how can they offer you full compensation for your pain and injury? This is why it is important to contact an automobile accident lawyer to help you navigate the process and help with negotiating with insurance companies. Ultimately, your automobile accident lawyer will help settle your case for an amount that will cover your medical cost and pain and suffering for more than what the insurance company initially offered you.


Here’s Exactly What We Do


Quel sogno di alcuni illuminati pionieri di cinquant’anni fa non è riuscito a scalfirlo nemmeno l’orco del 6 aprile 2009. Ingegneria di Roio, fiore all’occhiello dell’Università dell’Aquila, principale “industria” cittadina anche nella faticosa fase di ricostruzione post sisma 2009, tra i fari del capoluogo stesso.
Il Cinquantennale celebrato nel libro catalizza attenzioni, aiuti, speranze, visioni, passioni.
Testimonia i tantissimi traguardi raggiunti, non un punto di arrivo ma una rampa di lancio!

Racconta i tanti meriti che Ingegneria dell’Aquila ha accumulato grazie a quel sogno iniziale che ha fatto eredi capaci di innovare e di rilanciare nuove sfide.


What Makes Us Different?

If you are impressed with the results, continue partnering with us and we can help you gain access to the highly sought after Amazon.com.

If you think you can manage your listing and navigate the waters of Amazon after 6 months, we can renegotiate our agreement or pass the reigns over to you.


about us

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

why choose us

sit amet, consec tet ur adipi lit, sed do eiu smod tempor incididunt ut labore

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

what we do

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.



The mission of Shirley Poole Legacy Foundation is to accelerate social empowerment and economic sustainability within disadvantaged communities through philanthropy, education, & entrepreneurship.


To be a community change-agent in equipping individuals to attain the highest level of excellence in education, self-reliance, health, & economic well-being.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum


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Reporting / Metrics

​If you are new to SEO, start here. I will teach you everything you need to know step by step-


​If you are new to SEO, start here. I will teach you everything you need to know step by step-

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If you are serious about increasing your websites revenue, hire my team to do all of the hard work for you now...


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What is Mystery Shopping? If you Google Mystery Shopping you’ll get over 14 million results! In short, its where retailers hire companies to evaluate the quality of service in their stores, they often use MYSTERY SHOPPERS to get the information about the shoppers experience. Like any business model, its only as good as the information that’s obtained. In our point of view, the current mystery shopping business models are old an antiquated, its 2020, we’re innovators! We’re a group of professional company re-organizers that pride ourselves in wealth building! Our research team here at Forex Kidz came up with a new innovative way to have fun and make money from the comfort of your home, needing only a email address and the ability to simply, having fun doing what we all love to do, go shopping!


Our Services

Our services focus on building and driving your online customer to experience.

Design & Development

Take your business online and build a beautiful online customer experience that has the heart of your brand at its core

SEO Optimisation

SEO Optimisation” Focus on increasing the quality and quantity of your online visitors by increasing the visibility of your online store, grow your online revenue.

Online Marketing

Target new and grow your repeat customers online by letting us run campaigns that are unique and tailored to your business.

Automation & Integrations

Save time, focus on growing your business by reaching new levels of business automation with integrations with leading point of sale, risk management, customer relations management and accounting software.



Within 60 days the trade lines will be posted to your business credit report of your EIN and will show on Equifax Business, Experian Business, PayNet and SBFE whenever your business credit report is accessed. You can immediately start utilizing all the great new benefits of your new business credit as soon as we have completed the process on your file.

To move forward we will need:

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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page.

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