Tired of Renting?

Let the Home Buying Club help you get home buying ready!

Register for our FREE How to Get Home Buying Ready Class!

What’s included:

How to Setup a Home Buying Budget

How to Repair Your Credit

How to Build Your Credit

How to Save More

How to Payoff Debt

How Much Can You Afford

Home Loan Programs

Down Payment Assistance

How to Get Pre-Approved

Build While Renting Program

2022 Home Buying Challenge

How to Guarantee Your Home Buying Results

Our Next Class:


December 4, 2021


10:00am – 1:00pm


Online (Live Zoom Meeting)

FREE Home Buying Services Offered

New Construction Home Search

Resale Home Search

Build While Renting Program.

Home Buying Class


Realtor and Loan Officer Referral

Register Now to Reserve Your Seat!

What our attendees had to say about our class:

Leonard Farmer

Veeerry informative… Got me looking All into my financial life. Got to get my things in order if I want to buy a home early next year. Information that would cost thousands of dollars… For the FREEBIE

Trudy Link

Very informative,

Put lots of ideas in my head, that I never thought about. Wanted a part 2. Lol, discussed great topics.

Chendra Turner

Absolutely informative and motivational! Too many key points to list! If you missed it, YOU MISSED OUT! Very self- explanatory and easy to understand! I can see why so many get discouraged for lack of knowledge! I WAS ONE OF THEM!! But now I have the tools to get where I need to be in the home buying process! I invested 3 HOURS of my time for FREE99! This information could have easily gone for $300 and up in fees! You gave us access to your own personal budget spreadsheet 4 means to build credit, extended your family and business services.  I mean if we can’t get it at this point, WE ARE NOT SERIOUS ABOUT CHANGE!! This was very helpful and I’m so excited to see what I will get when my time comes… Thank you Marcia L. Smith for being selfless!.. WITH MARCIA, WE CAN ALL EAT!!

Ora Burton

Omg ..you hit a home run.  It was unbelievable.   I learned so much.  I had to leave early, but I waited for the recording because I had a 12:30 appointment.  Although I had my earphone on, I couldn’t take my notes like I was taking in the beginning.  I must say, you (Marcia L. Smith) are amazing.  Thank you.  Thank you.  If I had to pay for what I got yesterday, I wouldn’t be able to afford it.  Thank you and may God continue to bless you till your cup runneth over.

Tissany Campbell Atkinson

Oh my goodness !!! It was very informative, very organized and well put together

Nefertiti Blaq

Amazingly insightful info!!! Covered all bases from specific must haves to that can be applied NOW!

Your immediate action steps and take aways are always a game changer!!! I love how you give us homework that will change the game for us personally and directly, not just busy work to make us feel like we walked away with something. You give us the real deal and let us know exactly what we need to change and HOW we need to change it!

I’m in the “Building while Renting” category so I can’t wait to learn more about buying investment property through my business. But so much of what you taught yesterday is helping me get my personal and business finances in order!!!

You’re amazing…and for free.  Nobody is doing it like you!!!

Natasha Taylor

Extremely informative. I would’ve had to pay top $ for the information I received on yesterday! Marcia is the goat!

Ashley Page

It was extremely informative. You gave information that was beyond valuable and provided people the tools needed to jump start their futures. If utilized properly & taken heed to, it will most definitely set people up to succeed and build lives that their proud of. You were opening eyes to keys to financial literacy.

Dee Love

I really enjoyed your presentation. It was valuable and very informative. You gave a lot of information and solutions to make home ownership not only possible but an easy streamlined process. Getting things ready to purchase my 3rd home. I wish I had known this information when I purchased my 1st and 2nd home.

Sio Kennon

So much value. A game changer for sure. Mrs. Marcia laid it all out with non-stop Gems  I have pages of notes ready to put into action. I’m so grateful for the Credit Mentorship and LCA.

Denise Versatile

I honestly cried. I texted my children & told them we will never lack anything. Marcia L. Smith you did not short change us.   You took your time to teach & explain the whole process. As for myself, I sent you an email saying thanks so very much.  Now I publicly say: thanks so very much & may God forever bless you & everything concerning you

NSpyre Williams

I love that it was structured, easy to follow and take notes. The slides helped to keep everything direct and to the point. The information was definitely all there. I left with a clear strategy and steps to take to change #changemylife! Thanks Marcia!

Netta Barnes

The information you provided was great. If they follow what you say they will have a home within a year at the most. I wish I knew half of what you told us when I purchased my home.

Lasaundra Leach Blalock

Marcia L. Smith delivered over 3 hours full of complete and comprehensive information, designed to ensure success in the home buying process. She spoke in ways that even “the goats could get it.” She even hinted on the possibility of paying said mortgage off in 3 years! No one is doing this. No one else is rooting as hard for a community. And no one else is so selflessly and freely offering this much.

Ingrid Tucker

Loved it! Informative, my notebook is full……

Victoria Kennon-Webb

I love the fact that you have a lot of value, but also gave a solution to every problem.  From having no money and how to flip your money.  There is absolutely no excuse why we can’t succeed when we’re connected to you

CorAndrea Hart

Marcia L. Smith Very informative!!!! It helped me know where I’m lacking in getting home buyer ready and the steps to make the corrections! You give real gems and I’m so grateful for finding you!!

Shauntay Henderson


Clarissa Johnson


I was blown away by how much knowledge you have but also how you made sure to explain everything in a way that I could understand!

I didn’t get all the notes because it was information overload. Lol!

Great stuff! I’m here for it!

Shaneka Rena

Life changing and it laid out so detailed.  Now my husband is more excited about buying a home than in the past with talking to lenders who didn’t give us much hope

Need a Home Loan?

Do you have 2 or more credit scores over 620? If so, you may be ready to get pre-approved.

Find An Agent

Do you have your pre-approval and need an Agent to help you find a home?

Register Now to Reserve Your Seat!

copyright © 2021 all rights reserved

What’s included:

Our Next Class:


December 4, 2021


10:00am – 1:00pm


(Live Zoom Meeting)

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