Are you a student undertaking a course in any college or university?

Or are you a working professional or studying anywhere in the world and want to develop your skills as a critical thinker and critical writer?

for a free masterclass to develop critical thinking,
critical reasoning, and critical writing skills.

Are you a student undertaking a course in any college or university?

Or are you a working professional or studying anywhere in the world and want to develop your skills as a critical thinker and critical writer?

for a free masterclass to develop critical thinking, critical reasoning, and critical writing skills.

The free masterclass is also for:

Those who feels that they are not sure of what to believe when they read conflicting professional information.

Those who tend to take things at face level and need to know how to dig deeper to obtain strong and reliable evidence for report and academic writing

And academic advisors and practice assessors or mentors who are supporting students in practice and need to be more critical of the information and evidence they use.

Click on the registration button to register for the free masterclass now to learn:

The free masterclass will provide you with simple guides that will assist you in developing the critical thinking, critical reasoning, and critical writing skills for both academic work and professional practice.

So, click on the registration button to join the masterclass now.

The free masterclass will provide you with simple guides that will assist you in developing the critical thinking, critical reasoning, and critical writing skills for both academic work and professional practice.

So, click on the registration button to join the masterclass now.

You may already know that:

Moreover, if you have been struggling with how to write a critical essay or ever wondered what critical thinking actually is and how you can apply it in your academic work and your practice.
This free masterclass will introduce you to the skills of critical thinking, critical reasoning, critical writing, and critical appraisal and take you through simple step by step of becoming a critical thinker and critical writer.
Each step will show you how it is done using examples and simple language. The aim is to help you develop strong critical thinking, critical reasoning, and critical writing skills. That is, not accepting everything you read, see, and hear at face level but instead making sense of the information you use in your professional practice and in your university or college work.
It is easy to feel overwhelmed about critical writing and you may find that you make decisions in your professional practice or write academic assignments based on inappropriate evidence.
With inappropriate information, poor decisions about professional practice are likely to be made, which can have a deep impact on your practice or clients or on the quality of your academic work. Critical thinking in writing and practice is therefore a vital skill that all students and professionals need to develop from the very start of their practice experiences and in their academic work.
Therefore, Register Now for this free masterclass that will help you to develop the critical thinking, critical reasoning and critical writing skills required to excel in your academic learning experience or professional practice.

You may already know that:

2 Academic and Study Skills e-Book

Simple Step-by-Step Training and Coaching Manual on Critical Thinking and Writing

Simple Step-by-Step Training Slides and Videos

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